Saturday, December 30, 2006


Yup, I've decided that laughing is better than crying, that is unless you have tears running down your face from laughing too hard! I've been reading Blogs of friends of friends and it does seem to me that laughing is the new crying! So analytical as I am, I must first decide if there are any benefits to this new phenomena...

THEY say that laughing is good for the health, there are actually studies out there that confirm this theory. No I don't have a link to them ( I'm not that far along the Blogger food chain yet!), but I have heard that laughing does indeed help to lower the blood pressure, I think it releases endorphins or something that do in fact promote good health thus helping us to live longer!

Another group of THEM suggests that the very act of smiling uses more muscles than frowning so if we walk around constantly smiling ( and we're not caught and thrown into the looney bin), then we will at the very least all have fit and firm faces... now if only I could get my ass to smile!

MY theory has always been that chocolate is better than sex, so I'm thinking if I could combine chocolate with alot of smiling and some sex thrown in for good measure, then it is quite possible that I could live forever ( I've been alive forever, I wrote the very first song, I put the words and the melo...sorry, I had a bit of a digression there!)

All of the studies out there suggest that WE do not smile enough. Imagine if everyone took time out each day to smile to someone. THEY say that smiling is contagious, so in theory if I smiled to you and you smiled to your neighbor and they smiled to their boss and their boss smiled to their kid and their kid smiled to their teacher and... Are ya gettin what I'm tryin to say here? Earth as we know it could potentially be changed forever! It's hard to be angry when you're smiling (unless of course it's the kind of smiling through gritted teeth, and I don't reccomend that kind of smiling). We could in theory, have a world free from anger and so it would also be free from hatred and in following this line of thought, free from wars. I think I may have just solved the problem of achieving world peace!!!

Imagine if you would a world where everyone loved everyone else? I admit in this day it is a little beyond the realm of possibility, however if each and everyone of us decided to smile our way through life, the ripple effect could be overwhelming. I have actually practiced this theory in my own life...When Debaby was born, I was constantly tired, feeling overwhelmed and of course alone. But whenever she would cry I would do my best to greet her with a smile. I wanted her to feel loved and happy no matter how I was feeling. I think it worked. Whenever I would go to get her first thing in the morning or after a nap, I would greet her with a big smile and an enthusiastic "Good morning!" That little face would light up in response, and more times than not, we would both proceed to have a great day!

So in closing, I challenge all of you out there to test this theory in your daily lives. Let's all make a committment to changing our own little corner of the planet by spreading joy, happiness and smiles wherever we go. ( I'll check back with you in about a week to see how the experiment went). My personal resolution IS to smile more, and this being the last day of 2006 I figured it is a good time to start something new! I may post more later, but for now I hope all of you ring in the new year with TONS of Happiness and free smiles for all! See all y'all in the new year!


Sheri said...

Laughing and crying are so closely related. I normally end up laughing when I should be crying.

Thanksfor stopping by my blog.

The Maven said...

I laugh so hard I cry. What does that say about me?

Ok, other than how strange I am :P

Good thoughts, girl! Happy new year!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

i smile at people in the street all the time. some smile back, others look at me like im a mental case.

The Maven said...

Jobthingy: that's because you are a mental case, albeit a lovable one :P


hey lush gurl i think that by far that is my faveourite blog anyways maybe that is why i am such a happy person variation (hahaha what she thinks) lol just kidding happy new year xox