Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Well I am still around somewhere, and I can hardly believe that it has been almost a week since I last posted! As some of you may have noticed, I dropped by on the weekend. Do you guys remember when I used to post almost everyday and visit mostly everyone on my links too? My AAngel, and my friend the Maven would say that I could do all of those things because I didn't have a life!! Well guess what? Now I have a life (of work anyways), and I have not yet found the balance required to do all of the blog stalking I used to do. Add in a few meetings a week, my after-care group, bi-weekly therapy, meeting with my sponsor, housework, laundry, time with my kid and others, and you can maybe understand why I have not been as vigilant as I used to be in staying in touch with y'all! Hopefully I can be forgiven, after all I am striving for progress, not perfection here!

In loving memory of the good old days, here is today's Daily Reflection reading...

When, with God's help, we calmly accepted our lot, then we found we could live at peace with ourselves and show others who still suffered the same fears that they could get over them, too. We found that freedom from fear was more important than freedom from want.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions pg.122

Material values ruled my life for many years during my active alcoholism. I believed that all of my possesions would make me happy, yet I still felt bankrupt after I obtained them. When I first came into AA, I found out about a new way of living. As a result of learning to trust others, I began to believe in a power greater than myself. Having faith freed me from the bondage of self. As material gains were replaced by the gifts of the spirit, my life became manageable. I then chose to share my experiences with other alcoholics.

All righty then, I am still extremely grateful

  • for this gift of sobriety
  • to have found a job I love
  • that I still have stalkers even when I haven't been by your place
  • for all of the miracles that God has put in my path
  • to have everything I need and enough to share too
  • I am willing and able to keep growing and changing
  • to each and every one of you, who keep the home fires burning until I return

I hope you all take time to smell the flowers today...


Shadow said...

hey! well i'm glad you are enjoying your new work! and don't worry, you're forgiven. as long as you are having fun out there!

Syd said...

It sounds as if your life is full which is great. Work is a great thing and staying busy is also a way to get past problems that I may have.

Ava said...

I loved the flowers. It sounds like you are VERY busy. Don't worry, it will all balance out. You hang in there!

Granny said...

You'll strike a balance, eventually.

Just don't forget "HALT". Do they say that in Canada?

sharonsjourney said...

You're forgiven! I sure miss you tho. You've got a life, that's great, that's what we're s'pose to do. Me? I'm in the process, progress not perfection.

Lovely flower!

Just don't forget us, ok Love & miss you. I forgot to say, I love the Daily Reflections for today.

Scott M. Frey said...

heeey no sweeat girl, life is meant to be full of stuff, glad yours is filling out! balance will come!

God Bless!

Recovery Road London said...

Remember you? How could I forget!

Nice list. Work. Life. Balance. Ain't always easy.

Have a sober day, hon. :-)

Mary Christine said...

Life is good. Just make sure you don't get too busy to get to your meetings. :)

dAAve said...

Nothing to forgive. Blogging and/or writing/journaling is another recovery tool. The more often I use it, the higher quality of my personal recovery.
There is no written rule as to how often I employ the use of my tools.

Anonymous said...

I remember you!

Remember me?

sharonsjourney said...

I do, I remember you, uh, what's your name? LOL Oh! Lushgurl, with the lovely garden. How could we forget you?? Seriously.

Mama Dukes said...

congrats on the job!

A friend of Bill W. said...

I mis the "blog-stalking" days too...but not that feeling of uselessness...the balance will come with time, my sponsor says...

Not there yet either...

In time, in GOD's time...
