Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I have had a busy day today, I had to go to Legal Aid this morning, what a treat. After two and a half hours of waithing , I finally got in to see someone! It was really freakin' cold this morning,
(-41 degrees celcius) but the sun was shining and it felt great to be outdoors!

I finally figured out how to add people to my links list- ALL BY SELF!!!So if anyone sees their name linked to mine, and don't want to admit that you know me in some way, let me know and I'll remove you! (from my links, but not my life!!!) I am so proud of self, I was not only able to add people, but I saved the changes AND my links are actually WORKING...Woo Hoo for Lushgurl!

For today I would like to share with you all a letter I have written to the Judge who will decide wheather or not my Angel will be able to come back home...

Your Honor:
I am writing this letter in support of my application to the court of a further 3 to six months Society Wardship for my daughter Angel It has been just over two years since my daughter was removed from my full-time care. In these past years I have undergone a series of changes in my life and I would ask that Your Honor take the time to read about these changes, so that you may better understand me.
My name is Lushgurl, and I am a recovering alcoholic/addict. Two years ago I was so caught up in my addiction(s) that I could not see that my life was so unmanageable. Even when my daughter was removed from my care. I already knew that I was an alcoholic/addict, but did not have the desire to stop using at the time, and a part of me thought that I wouldn’t be able to stop even if I did have the desire to do so. It took me quite some time to re-enter the journey to recovery. On October 21, 2006, I had my first clean day from cocaine. I had tried to quit before but was unsuccessful. At the time I had no intention or desire to stop drinking or using marijuana and not having my daughter with me , I found some small comfort in my using.
In April of 2006, I made a phone call to Rideauwood , they had helped me in the past, and I believed that just maybe they could help me again. In June I attended an intensive ten day treatment program, I have now been clean and sober since June 2, 2006, and on Friday March 6, I picked up my nine month chip at my ‘home group’ in AA. In the past nine months I have been given a gift of sobriety and for that I am very grateful. I had what they call in AA, a spiritual awakening, like I had never experienced before. I all of a sudden ‘got’ that I had to start to love and care for myself, or I could never truly love and care for my daughter. Today I do love and care for myself, and I would very much like the chance to be a mother to my daughter on a full time basis again.
I attend three to six meetings a week, I have a sponsor, I go to Rideauwood for counseling twice a month and I also attend a relapse prevention group there once a week. I am very much aware of my lack of credibility and cannot go back to undo any of the damage I have done. But with all the support I have in my life today, I intend to remain clean and sober for the rest of my life (one day at a time). I am currently looking for a part time job in order to become a more productive member of society. I am doing the best I can for today and want only what is best for my daughter.
At the end of June she will complete her year of High school. On June 2, I will have a full year of clean and sober living. I ask that you please consider giving my daughter and I a chance to be a full family again. I plan to continue with all of the things I am doing to improve my life. I plan to continue having my daughter attend counseling at Rideauwood too. We attend my Friday night meeting together every week and I hope that this too will continue, for me it will. I don’t know what else I can add, I hope that maybe I have given you a better insight into who I am as a human, not just as a woman who has made so many mistakes in her life and the life of my daughter. I love her with my whole self today, more than I ever have before. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
Respectfully Yours,

Hey everyone, I just found out that tomorrow is our sweet Meg's 14th AA birthday. Make sure you all stop by to wish her a Happy one, THANKS ALL!


My Name Here said...

I think your letter is very well writen, from the heart, and it truthful. You make no excuses for the past, and you make no guarentees for the future, you simply tell what you are doing and how you got where you are today. I think it is beautifully done. I will keep you in my prayers. best of luck to you and your daughter.

ArahMan7 said...

Acting as Honourable Judge, ArahMan7: Granted! Sign, seal and delivered!

Links: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Even if it's not, you're still part of me.

Mary Christine said...

It would take a pretty hard-hearted judge to look at that letter with anything other than compassion. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

holy cow... your letter is very very moving. Prayers.
I look forward to reading your news on what becomes of it.

And: nice job on your tech savvy skillz :)

btw - you have winter weather followed by... ??? more winter? is that it?
We have an entire four weeks of summer here in Michigan and we likes it that way.

Jocelyn said...

Your letter strikes just the right tone of honesty and reliability and hope!

lash505 said...

wow the letter was great and it hit me hard your are a remarkable woman. thanks...

Recovery Road London said...

What day is it? What's my name? Blog? eh? What blog? Lmao. Thanks for pointing out I'm 24 hrs early. Me bad - should have added I'm not about tomorrow.

Ta for heads-up on Meg. :-)

Good letter. Well balanced, IMHO.


Shauna said...

I hope that good things come from your letter. It's obviously written from the heart and hopefully the judge will recognize that too.

Anonymous said...

That letter conveyed a lot a grace and gratitude, beautifully written. I will keep you in my prayers & thanks for the anniversary wishes. Congratulations on nine months! It's not easy (sorry about being late)

Cori said...

Wonderful letter!! No matter the outcome (which I truly hope is in your favour), you wrote your thoughts in such a positive way, it speaks volumes!

Zanejabbers said...

Hi Lushgurl,
Thanks for stopping by my new blog,ZaneJabbers. I sign as nawwaa. "Not a well woman at all."
Great letter to the judge. It's things like that the show me how this program can change a person and let the "real" one come shining through.
The Best Of Luck in your efforts.
You are definitely trudging on the right troad.

Shannon said...

good letter, and wooohooo for you to figure out the links... YAY

thanks for letting me know about Meg

Meg Moran said...

Oh Lushgirl...my new friend and sister on the path...I loved the letter and your honest words. I hope they go straight from your heart to the Judge's heart. Either way, you have done the footwork, and you may be at peace. We will keep the faith.

Mrs. Random said...

The letter is beautiful. Its honest and full of hope. You admit your mistakes and you detail the steps you have taken to break your addictions and stay sober. Its awesome :)

Sunshine said...

That is just wonderful!!! (That you did the links all by yourself!)

The letter to the judge left me speachless....... I'll keep you all in my prayers.

Big HUGS - I'm proud of you!!!

Granny said...

Sending many good wishes your way.

Sorry - net has been down for 2-1/2 days. Grrr.

Judith said...

Hello! I came by to thank you for your wonderful advice and kind words you left on my blog (after having to search you down). It means a lot to me to have extra support.

And then to see your site and your letter... wow... my heart and prayers go to you and your goal to have your daughter returned to your care. Your heartfelt letter and your hard work should go a long way towards your objective, and I wish you and your daughter luck and peace.

I'll be back -- I just added you to my blogroll. Thanks again for stopping by my place.

Best wishes,